Why it is different from our regular hot chocolate??
Because it has all the elements of our masala tea with a hint of chocolate.

If confused between tea or hot chocolate.. Go for Hot Chocolate Tea!!

Also, let's do it little differently!!
Instead of using regular milk, i have used COCONUT MILK.

To Prepare:
1 tbsp Chocolate tea by @theindianchai
1/2 coconut milk
1/2 cup water
1tbsp condensed milk
1tbsp cocoa powder

1) in a pan bring water to boil, add tea leaves are bring it to boil.
2) in a separate pan, add coconut milk and bring it to boil, add condensed milk and cocoa powder. mix well until combined. ( Do not add too much of cocoa powder and condensed milk because we want it to over-powder the flavour of tea)
3) strain tea water in cup and add coconut milk.. top it with cocoa powder or Chocolate powder.

you can also change the proportion of coconut milk and water as per your liking.

It tastes incredibly Delicious!!

Also tastes great with just milk and just water!! 😊

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