In life’s great balancing act, tip the scales in your favour.
A Kapha-type person is known to exude a stoic calm, patience, and understanding. However, an imbalanced Kapha puts them at risk of obesity, depression, and diabetes. Our Kapha tea helps restore the balance in your life as it strengthens immunity, boosts metabolism, and improves digestion.

Health Benefits
- Good for heart health
- Helps against pain and inflammation
- Promotes healthy digestion

Tasting Notes
Earthy Woody Heaty Bitter Citrusy Sweet

Tulsi | Cardamom | Ginger | Clove | Black Pepper | Fennel Seed | Orange Pee | Turmeric | Lemongrass | Licorice | Stevia Leaves | Green Tea

Brewing Instructions
- Put 1 teaspoon of tea leaves to an empty pot
- Add water to the bot and bring to a heat (do not boil)
- Brew for 5 minutes
- Preferred without milk
- Our Herbal Teas are mostly organic, caffeine free and non-toxic.
- Ingredients sourced from all over the country which are in their whole form | 100% real | No preservatives.
- Our whole-leaf Teas are packed fresh on order.
- Relish the happiness of 3 tea samples with every order.
- We have teas for every reason and every occasion.
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