Calm mind and active body - a tea in good taste and good health
A predominantly Vata-type is sharp, active, energetic, and creative. However, an imbalanced Vata may lead to anxiety, arthritis, asthma, digestion problems and heart disease. The India Chai has created a delicious, tasty, blended tea with the aim of calming an anxious mind and revitalizing a tiring body.

Health Benefits
- Cleanses the gut
- Improves digestion & clears boating
- Calms the Mind

Tasting Notes
Strong Heaty Sweet Sour Tarty

Liquorice | Ginger | Cardamom | Cinnamon | Fennel | Ajwain | Fenugreek | Stevia leaves | Green tea

Brewing Instructions
- Bring your kettle to a boil, and then let it rest for a minute.
- Add 1 teaspoon of tea leaves per cup of tea.
- Steep for not more than 5 minutes.
- Our Herbal Teas are mostly organic, caffeine free and non-toxic.
- Ingredients sourced from all over the country which are in their whole form | 100% real | No preservatives.
- Our whole-leaf Teas are packed fresh on order.
- Relish the happiness of 3 tea samples with every order.
- We have teas for every reason and every occasion.
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